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David Heintz
A & H Electric Co.
3505 N. Loop 336 West
Conroe, Texas 77304
Office: (936) 756-0442

6 Ways to Save Money on Your Electricity Bill this Month

save money

If you are finding that the cost of your energy bill is through the roof – and would like to save money at the end of the month – the first thing to look at is where you’re consuming energy. Reducing your energy consumption is an excellent way to quickly decrease the cost of your monthly bills. In this article, we will introduce six effective methods that you can immediately implement in your home, which will aid in reducing energy and start saving you money.

Invest in LED Light Bulbs

Throw away those traditional light bulbs and start investing in LED light bulbs. LED light bulbs use up to ninety percent less energy than regular light bulbs and they last ten times longer. LED light bulbs are a simple yet ginormous hack in the home to save money on your electricity bill. LED light bulbs are key when it comes to saving money on electricity and should be installed in every room of your home. Your wallet will thank us later.

Donate Ancient Appliances

Do you have an old TV in your home that no one ever watches? That TV is occupying space in your home and in your bank account. Old appliances that are not being used and remain plugged in are sucking away tremendous amounts of energy. Old appliances and electronics are not worth keeping around. Consider selling, donating, or recycling those energy suckers that will ultimately cut costs in the long run.

Your Home Is Not Properly Insulated

One major complication that can be affecting your home and electricity bill is poor insulation. Drafty attic spaces or windows that need to be updated may be the primary reason why your electricity bill is so high. If your home is not properly insulated, you are essentially throwing money down the drain. As the years go by, make sure that you take the extra precautions to ensure that your home is up to date.

Keeping Windows or Doors Open While the AC Is On

The air conditioner consumes the most energy on an electric bill. If you keep your windows or doors open while the AC is running, you are basically throwing that energy, and cash out the window. If the AC is on, make sure that you keep the windows/doors shut or if the windows/doors are open, make sure the AC is off. You do not want to allow expensive, cold air to go to waste!

Prolonging Charging Time for Devices

The average phone or other electronic device needs about two to three hours to fully charge. Keeping your phone or laptop plugged in all night is not necessary. Charging your electronics all night drains your energy and money. Be cautious of charging times and try not to keep electronics plugged in overnight. This will also help extend the longevity of your device’s battery. This will save money on replacement batteries as well.

When All Else Fails, Call an Electrician

Even after implementing these tips into your home and it still seems that your electricity bill is a bit pricey, it is not a bad idea to have an electrician come and do a routine check up on your home. Sometimes there can be a fault or error within your electrical system that can be causing some drastic issues within your system. You never know what electrical problems can be occurring as we speak, the only way to know for sure is to contact your local electrician. Your electrician will be the most beneficial to saving you loads of money in the long run.

A&H Electric specializes in the installation, repair, and service of all electrical systems in both commercial and residential properties throughout Conroe and the surrounding areas of Texas. We also perform electrical safety inspections. Schedule an appointment with a qualified licensed electrician today at (936) 756-0442.

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